Sunday 1 January 2012

Rose Bowl 2012: 5 Things You May Not Know About Wisconsin

As part of our blog bet Hilary off Empire gear, and I wrote a piece for each other site gives 5 ​​things that you do not know....... You can view my presentation on OTE, Hilary representation here.

1. Spetsialnye team is ... special. Perhaps the biggest weakness of Wisconsin heading into the Rose Bowl is the fulfillment of special teams. This was the theme of the season. Drops, kicks returned for a serious long footage, poor lighting strike. In fact, you name it, Badgers have done it. It was hidden during the year largely due to the dominant nature of the crime of Wisconsin, but in close games (see Michigan State during the regular season) he has made all the difference. If Oregon can own special teams, Wisconsin, may be in trouble.

2. Montee Ball is not the only threat to our Rush ... Most of the focus was on crime Wisconsin Montee Ball. And, of course, it should be. He was nominated for the Heisman and has a real beating TD record with his performance in the Rose Bowl. But last year was Ball # 2 / 3 back to John Clay, along with James White. This year, White has been less effective than before and only 600 yards on some of the season and six touchdowns. But, it is even more yards than the primary backs of some teams in the Big Ten (Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern ....). White is equally important as scoring threat on its own is not like a guy who can take some time to put pictures of ball feet. Do you think the ball is dangerous to start the game? Wait until the fourth quarter rolls around and your D-Line will be exhausted while the ball is coming off the sidelines after a good long rest.

3. Only way to beat the Russell Wilson to keep him in the pocket ... By now you probably know that Russell Wilson is a pretty decent defender. Wisconsin is not Stanford - it does not all of our offense, as luck for the Cardinal, - but it's definitely a threat. Montee Ball before really took off, Wilson has been our main contender for Heisman. Although the focus has shifted to the ball, Wilson has got some pretty decent numbers for the season - 72% completion percentage, 2,800 yards, 31 touchdowns to 3 steals ... All that has to do Ducks fans nervous. The thing is, Russell Wilson is the only truly effective when our coordinator is calling game action and roll outs. Our pass defense has been questionable at best for the season, but Wilson's mobility buys him extra time to hit our receivers, when he made it possible. If, however, Crist turns to drop and long fixed-passing games, Wilson and Badgers are vulnerable in many ways than just the bag. At the beginning of the season, Wilson had a problem with intentional grounding penalty. When he was in the pocket too long, and before the intense pressure, it tends to make bad decisions on throws at the same time in the solution box. It's not like a big deal, but this is a significant fine and even gave the opponents of Wisconsin safety case. 

4. Wisconsin is best when in the red zone ... Badgers have one of the leading red zone scoring attack for the season, and fans should be nervous ducks, badgers if ever in the end zone. On the season, Bucky has 96% red zone scoring rate (67/70 attempts), including field goals and touchdowns. But it's not as if the Badgers just really awesome in scoring three - if you take the field goals, Badgers still scored a 87% stake in the Red Zone (61/70). If Oregon is going to beat Wisconsin, they cannot wait for the bus stop to come inside 20 yards.

5. We suck in the second quarter ... But you also ... Wisconsin has been relatively stable with how the game went on throughout the season. We tend to burst out and put a ton of points in the first quarter, holding the opponent down.Purely by the numbers for the season scoring 149 points of Wisconsin in the first quarter to 38 opponents. In the third quarter, the numbers are similar - 143 Badger points to 35 points for their opponents. In the fourth quarter, reducing the number of bits, in part because of Wisconsin taking her foot of gas in some games - only 112 points Badger on 50 points of the enemy.

But in the second quarter.
On the second quarter.

Up to this point in the game when the offense score the most points in the Badgers is the second quarter. 96 points were scored by Bucky in that 15 minutes - 3 times more than in the first or third quarter, and almost two times higher than in the final part of the game. Why is it a mystery to me? The strange thing is that Wisconsin is also a lot of evaluation during the second quarter - 176 points on the season. This is not so one-sidedly, as our defensive stats, but there is still a noticeable difference. So what does this mean for games? Well, if there is going to be a change in momentum is likely this will occur in the second quarter. If the game is to release every time, it may already be over...


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